Trivandrum Bible Fellowship (TBF) TC XXI/ 620, Opposite Concordia High School, Kudappanakunnu P O Peroorkada, Trivandrum – 695005
The Scripture commands to believers not to neglect to meet together for their edification (Heb. 10:25). It seems the early church basically met on the first day of the week, i.e. Sunday (Acts 20:7). It is supposedly called “The Lord’s Day” (Rev. 1:10).
Therefore, Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship gathers together as a church every Sunday, the Lord’s Day, at 7:30 a.m. During our gathering, we do the following things:
- Sing a Hymn
- Brief GOSPEL exhortation
- Songs of worship (Hymns and Choruses)
- Share testimonies
- Intercession
- Expository teaching
- Participation in the bread and the cup
- Confession of church covenant
- Fellowship Meal
Just a cursory reading of the book of Acts shows that the early church was devoted to corporate prayer. Acts 2:42; 4:24; 12:12; 13:2 are some of the Scriptures which evidence the practice of corporate prayer. The ministry of prayer was of utmost importance to the early church.
Therefore, Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship gathers together every first Saturday of the month for fasting prayer. We pray together, as brothers and sisters in Christ, for different needs (primarily spiritual) of our church, for other ministries and for our nation. We also spend time for few minutes in intercession when we gather together as a church on the Lord’s Day. Additionally, some brothers gather on every Saturday in the morning for intercession.
It is recorded in Acts 8 that when persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, all believers were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria (8:1). And these believers preached the gospel wherever they went (8:4). Some of them traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch and preached the gospel to Jews (11:19). From this instance, we learn how these believers did evangelism together.
Therefore, Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship not only believes in personal evangelism, but also in local church evangelism. We, as a church, do evangelism together in our localities every fourth Saturday of the month. It is always a joy and encouragement to do evangelism together as a church.
Believers require systematic teaching on the essential doctrines of the Holy Scripture. This equips them to grow as effective disciples of Christ Jesus. Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship conducts two discipleship meetings in a month wherein believers are currently going through the Doctrine of God by Paul Washer and the Doctrine of the Local Church by Stephen David.
It is understood that men and women are different and hence there is a need to address some of their needs and struggles separately. Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship has separate meetings for men and women once a month. During this time, men and women gather separately for praying together, worshiping the Lord together, learning from the Word, sharing testimonies with one another and having fellowship meal together.
The Scripture says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (Jas. 1:27). Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship believes that charity is one of the crucial ministries of local church. Hence, we have partnered with HOPE orphanage (which takes care of orphan and destitute children), and also with Father’s Love (which cares for dying and destitute). We all visit them occasionally in different groups and offer them our services and financial support from our church offerings.
Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship’s passion is to be a missional church. It is our desire to see some brothers from our church to go and spread the gospel of Christ Jesus and to plant churches. Therefore, in order to expose believers to mission field, we go once a year to a village and spend two days in ministering to the people there. Whenever we go on a mission trip, our people come back with a great challenge to pray for missions and consider being a blessing to the mission fields.
Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship organizes annual church camp for the spiritual renewal and physical recreation of believers. We have our church camp once a year in a retreat centre for two days and spend our time together in doctrinal study, devotional talk, one another encouragement, prayer and recreational activities. We eagerly look forward to such times of renewal and recreation. This strengthens the bond of believers and creates a beautiful family atmospheres, even encouraging their walk with God.
Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship is a part of TENTS training ministry. During holidays and weekends, every now and then we organize seminars and trainings to equip pastors and believers in Christ Jesus. The following are some of the seminars we have conducted:
- Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
- What Does it Mean to Be a Part of a Local Church?
- Ministry: A Biblical Perspective
- The Gospel Workbook
- Making Disciples
- The Discipline and Delight of Personal Devotions
- The Discipline and Delight of Family Devotions
- The Discipline and Delight of Hospitality
- Other subjects